Citizen Design Citizen Design Citizen Design Citizen Design Citizen Design Citizen Design Citizen Design
  • Stunningly unique, easy to use theme.
    I recommend Citizen Design!

    Jessica Parker Anonymus Inc.

  • Visually appealing and simple layout.
    Great design you guys have

    Tom Mfokeng COPE GAUTENG

  • My client needed a unique site.
    I found Citizen Design, the perfect one for us.

    Makie Choshane Lehumo Inc.

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More About

We're currently on thelookout. for a talented web developerto join our team. If you think you could be avaluable addition to our team . get in touch with us.

we are The unique creative for your organisation

Let's say more about us

This is an example of a HTML caption with a link.

Citizen Design has always been at the heart of the game when it comes to web design but we have come to realise that sometimes our clients require a little more from us. You need an agency that is committed to providing you with all of the tools to market your business effectively, helping you succeed, grow and achieve your goals; which is why we have evolved to become a full digital agency with a staff of 10, now able to offer our clients a complete range of design services from logo design through to comprehensive brochures and of course web design.

The quality of our work lays not just in its design but in its implementation across the many aspects of your brand. We strictly adhere to all the latest industry guidelines when it comes to design, never losing sight of the primary aim of all our hard work, which is to help you win new customers.

Our Greatest Values

Commitment at best

Our commitment is to provide the best possible presence for our clients across a wide range of digital platforms and traditional marketing media. Working with the client we will create an attractive, informative design that exceed their expectations and meet their business objectives

The most difficult part of being a creative of any kind is idea generation. Why do you think there are so many copy-cats out there? There are several methods available to brainstorm.


Mind mapping has been around since the 70’s, it’s uses and attraction is snowballing. So what is it? And how does it apply to Graphic Design?

Our work style is what enables us to be different from others. What is style in graphic design? It’s what allows your work to be recognizable among one thousands of works. The style concept is connected to identity. A unique style testimonies a strong identity thereby a winning brand. When a client decides to hire a graphic designer, it already has an idea of the final result, because it choose to marry the graphic designer’s style to the product.

If you are in the market to have some design work done, you would probably like to know how things work...


Gathering of data

We would like some insight into your business so that we can better understand your needs. With this in mind we have prepared a set of questions which can normally be answered in a short meeting or can be downloaded so that the answers can be e-mailed to us. We will use these answers to create an accurate quotation for you.

  • 1. What elements do you need designed?
  • 2. What line of business are you in?
  • 3. Who is your target market?
  • 4. Who are your main competitors?
  • 5. Must your photos be scanned or are they available in electronic format?
  • 6. Would you need any stock images supplied by us?
  • 7. Do you have existing logos, promotional brochures, magazines or advertisements?

  • STEP 2:

    Quotation and Acceptance Contract:

    Once we have had a full briefing you will normally receive a quote within two working days. If you are happy with the details specified in the contract, please accept and return. We require a 50% deposit prior to commencement of all projects.

    STEP 3:

    The Look & Feel:

    Once we have all your information, we will design a “look and feel” within 7 working days from date of acceptance.

    STEP 4:

    Changes to the Look & Feel:

    Any changes will be made within 3 working days from presentation of the look and feel and we will present you with a final look and feel for your review. If the job is rejected or cancelled after the first changes, a 30% cancellation fee will be payable.

    STEP 5:

    Signing the Design Off:

    If you are happy with the look and feel, we will send you a sign-off form. Once signed off, any changes will incur an additional fee.

    STEP 6:

    Final Payment & Delivery:

    If you are satisfied with the work done, the remaining 50% is to be paid. The job will then be sent in for print or files be handed over to you if you are handling the printing yourself

We work quickly at a commercial pace and commit ourselves to completing the assignment fully and within an agreed timescale which is established at the start of each assignment. .
We adhere to a strict code of ethics and offer absolute professionalism to both clients and affiliates alike..
We are interested in building long term relationships with our clients, being their trusted adviser and motivated to gain their ongoing business. All directors and key members are stake holders. All of our staff are rewarded on the basis of the company’s overall success. These factors breed continuity and a team spirit which is advantageous to both our clients and our company..
Citizen Design Citizen Design Citizen Design Citizen Design Citizen Design Citizen Design Citizen Design

Our Team

Hi, We are Citizen. Design Agency from Centurion. We design and develop websites, brochures and logo.

Citizen Design

Amber Mabelane

CEO & Director

Citizen design was founded by Amber Mabelane. Following a successful avionics engineering career in the Namib air, Dintwa worked for several years at senior management level in TV production and newspaper publishing, for such companies as the SABC, ETV, Botswana Mining Magazine and 24 Media Group.

Thabo Balm Mpofu

Thabo Kunene

Senior Designer

Fuelled by a passion for all things creative, Thabo oversees our design department. He brings enthusiasm to the projects he is involved with, delivering results based on client driven solutions. With ten years experience in branding and web design, and a keen eye for detail Kunene is a valued member of the Citizen team..

Citizen Design

Thando Colin Graham

Lead Illustrator

Designing professional websites since 1997, Colin has a wealth of experience in all facets of web design. He loves both the intricacies of web site development and has the artistic flair for great looking web designs. In Charge of Search Engine Optimisation he knows how to make your webpage climb the search engine ranks. Graham also makes sure our clients websites are up to date and running smoothly.

Citizen design

Citizen Design provides a professional website hosting solution. The standard hosting package will provide clients with their own space on a Citizen owned virtual dedicated server!

What We Do

Hi, We are Citizen. Design agency from Centurion. We design and develop websites, brochures and logo.

Designing /
Static Web Design


Citizen Design

Website and CMS Design: We offer professional web site design and CMS development within budget for your company. Our websites have never been considered ordinary, plain or boring. At Ctitizen Design we are passionate about creating websites that are not only great to look at but are user friendly. Our designers have created websites for many companies ranging from the home based company to large corporates.

Customised Web Development: PHP website development based on your individuals requirments. We provide database development for anything you would need. We have developed customised websites for various companies. Industries include Recruitment, Estate Agencies, Motor Sales, Surveys, Printer Sales. We also provide ecommerce solutions.

Designing /
Logo and Identity

Adobe CS6, CorelDraw

Logo Amaqwathi

Your logo is more than just your company’s signature it sits at the heart of your business identity. Getting it right is vital to growing your business . Likewise a tired logo is sometimes just in need a revamp, luckily we can help with both!

Designing /
Brochure & Flyer

PS, AI, CorelDraw

Citizen Design

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Citizen Design

Graphic design Services

Citizen Design

Having a professional image is a necessity for any business today. Your logo is the symbol representing your company and usually the first thing a potential client sees. If you want to make a good first impression, you have to start at the beginning. A strong corporate identity is crucial for brand awareness. With items as diverse as logos, advertisements, packaging, annual reports, magazines, company profiles, menus, flyers, billboards, labels we cover any marketing need you may have.

If all you need is a one sided business card design or a complete corporate identity, we are ready to make your company shine!

At Citizen Design our creative and experienced designers strive to create high quality designs suited to each client to best present their brand to their specific target market. We manage your whole marketing campaign spanning all platforms and make sure that your identity remains intact across all media.

  • Graphic design Pretoria
  • Logo design
  • Corporate Identities (CI)
  • Business card design
  • Brochure design
  • Report design (Like Annual Reports)
  • Signature design
  • Add design
  • Print design
  • Website design
  • Facebook design

Citizen Design

Website Design Services


Having a strong design background gives us the edge when it comes to designing the look for your new website. Add to that the easy-to-use Joomla CMS back-end or just-as-easy-to-use Wordpress back-end to manage and maintain your site a “Citizen Design site” is an investment you cannot go without!

Never again do you have to call your web design company for a small change such as a price, a phone number or adding a new picture on your site, unless you want to! No more exorbitant bills for a quick revision! Now you can manage your web site content YOURSELF! (including images, look and feel etc) Get results WHEN you want them and be certain your site is ALWAYS up to date!

The comprehensive web hosting control panel puts you in the position to keep track of all the hits your site gets and gives you the power to maintain almost all expects of your web investment including Database Contents, Files, Domain settings, e-mail addresses (adding and deleting mailboxes, changing or resetting passwords or just forwarding mail to a different address) and much much more!

Our current website design and development is centralized around custom Joomla websites, (Microsoft and custom Wordpress webistes (PHP 5.x). In addition to custom development we provide our “drive-thru” type websites that consists of standard skins, which provide both great value-for-money and turn-around times. As the leading Website Design Company in Gauteng you can be sure that we will not get just get your business on the web, but also make it a success!

Website design

Website Development & Web Hosting

We are a graphic design, web design, website development and web hosting

Citizen Design is a graphic design, web design, website development and web hosting company in Pretoria. We have been in business hosting, designing and developing since 2000! Although our industry has no boundaries, we find that working closely together helps the end product. So selecting a website company in Pretoria has many benefits if you stay in the area. Citizen Design provides many products but in summary we are a Pretoria based graphic design studio that in addition to normal graphic design studio functions like corporate identities, logo design, brochure designs etc, also specialize in web hosting in Pretoria and website development in Pretoria. We are a one-stop solution so website search engine optimization (Google SEO) is also done by Citizen Design.

We have loads of experience, a dedicated team and keen interest to assist you in your graphic design / website development or hosting requirements. Lastly we have an array of dedicated clients (some very small and some large organizations), who think we rock! So if they trust us, so can you!

  • • Graphic design
  • • Website design
  • • Web development
  • • Website SEO
  • • Web and website hosting in central Pretoria
  • • Bulk mailing and internet marketing campaigns including E-Letters
  • • Uncapped ADSL
Citizen Design

If you have a cool idea and if you like to work with our awesome team, kindly email us. We will get back to you at the earliest!

website design

Stay in our social circle to get regular updates about our products and projects. Don't forget to like our facebook page and follow us @CitizenDesign1

Video Inline

Our in-house Design. capabilities include a wide range of skills and experience in designing for various media.

Vimeo Video



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Video Profile

How to use

<div class="youtube_container"
Citizen Design

Our creatives and developers are available during 09.00 to 17.00 week days and we are on UTC +02.00. Come, let's make the most out of it!

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